Tonight is the 1st day of Ramadhān. For muslims around the world, this morning will mark the first day for obligatory fasting for the year 1444 Hijri. Just like all the other acts of worship ('ibādah) in Islām, in the act of fasting we can witness yet another miracle, something special. An achievement that were it not for a true divine will, would be impossible to attain.
Starting tomorrow (give or take a few days for some nations) muslims all over the world will perform the 'ibādah of fasting. More than 1.5 billion muslims around the world will refrain from eating, drinking, and performing acts that nullifies the 'ibādah of fasting, from fajr until sunset. Granted, there may be a few bad muslims who won't fast, but those are like bad apples in an enormous garden of apples. Look closely, and we will find that centered around every single mosque in the whole world, the muslim community around it will perform this 'ibādah of fasting in the exact same manner, at the exact same time.
Even with the potential of social media nowadays, no single person on earth can ever get 1.5 billion people -- spread around all the different continents on this globe -- to harmoniously perform any single act of worship at the same time. In fact, the largest ever petition only amassed the support of a little more than 3 million people (Source:
Think about it. There is currently no one recognized global ruler of the muslim community. There is no organization that rules over the entire global muslim community. There is no muslim's TV channel or radio station that is broadcasted to every muslim homes around the world. Yet, muslims unanimously perform the 'ibādah of fasting by adhering to the exact same rules, at the exact same month, and in every year for the past 1400+ years without fail! No other religion on earth can achieve this.
Even with all the Islamophobic agenda and the atrocities towards muslims orchestrated by the Western world, the religion of Islām continues to "live". It is something only achievable because The One True God deems it to be so.
Praise be to Allāh, The One True God.
To all my fellow muslims around the world, have a blessed Ramadhān!
Naim Zulkipli
23 March 2023