"Hangman" is a classic word guessing game that has been around for generations. Now, it is available as an interactive HTML, CSS and JavaScript project! This Simple Hangman game is built using only HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
It offers a fun and engaging experience for players of all ages. The game starts with an empty letter tile, and as you guess the correct letters, they appear in the correct tiles. With each incorrect guess, a heart icon disappears, representing your attempts left. The game ends when you have revealed all the letters in the word or when you have run out of attempts.
If you are looking for a fun project to build your coding skills or to incorporate into your own website, this Simple Hangman game is a great choice. The source code for this game is available for free, all you need to do is email me at naim@amz.com.my, and I will be happy to provide it for you.
You can try the game out and feel free to build upon the code to create a more complex and challenging Hangman game. Or you can just use the source codes to brush up your web coding skills. Get ready for a fun and educational experience!
Naim Zulkipli
9 February 2023