14 Traits Of Truly Great Managers

Having a great manager at the workplace is a blessing. Preparing ourselves to become a great manager is even better. Here's an article I found on 14 traits of a great manager, which I'm sharing as I am in agreement with most of the traits on the list. Do you have the traits of a great manager? Reading this, would you say that you have a great manager at your workplace? Share your thoughts in the comments section or contact me for a discussion.

14 Distinguishing Practices Of Truly Great Managers

by Expert Panel, Forbes Coaches Council

Not all people in managerial positions are great at the job. Even when a manager might be able to satisfactorily do their job, that doesn't mean that they're an expert at management. The skills needed for effective management are uniquely different from those needed in any other job.

Excellent managers do stand out, though. Employees can easily spot good managers and separate them from bad ones by noticing the key elements that highlight them as experts. Below, 14 members of Forbes Coaches Council examine the practices of great managers and outline why those elements set those managers apart.

1. Investing In People

Managers who invest time in getting to know their employees, setting clear expectations, building trust, giving immediate feedback and having their employees’ backs will have teams that will follow them off a cliff. Managers who prioritize tasks over people spend a ton of amount of time cleaning up bad behavior and facing resistance to any kind of change. Great managers know the ROI on people is what makes the difference.

2. Practicing Servant Leadership

Great managers see their role as a service to others. They acknowledge their employees' perspectives, involve them in the decision-making process and focus on people's needs using a bottom-up management approach. Have employees lead one-on-one and team meetings. Ask how they would solve client and operational challenges. Inquire how they think your culture can improve. Have them create their career plan.

3. Standing Up For What's Right

How many employers or leaders make personal sacrifices to do the right thing and stand up for people even if it potentially hurts them? Those leaders are few because when faced with job-threatening situations, they often compromise their values saying, "My job was at stake." Managers willing to do the right thing and jeopardize their career are great people you can follow.

4. Connecting With Employees

The best managers are connected to their employees. They don't act like everyone's best friend, but they are connected to the people working and the work being accomplished. They know their employees' skills and goals, and are actively helping develop them. Connection with the workforce is a manager's greatest practice. You won't have to go looking for those managers; their employees will let you know they exist.

5. Complementing Talent

One revealing managerial practice that distinguishes a good manager is the ability to place a person in a position that complements the person's talents. A great manager understands how to create a team of people who complement each other's existing talents.

6. Taking Action On Feedback

It's one thing to engage in a conversation with your team; it's another to hear what they say and take action based on their feedback. A true leader wants to be better, do better and expects better at all levels. Hear what your team needs to be successful, share resources and fight for their right to achieve goals. Don't hold back with the top levels out of fear. Listen, then act.

7. Practicing Effective Communication

The essence of communication is to be understood. A great manager seeks to be understood and makes every effort to understand employees. A skillful communicator connects with team members because communication is the key to success. Poor communication can create role ambiguity in the workplace. Role ambiguity can lead to poor performance, which then leads to absenteeism and turnover.

8. Coaching Their Employees

Good managers handle day-to-day duties associated with their team. They do what is required of them meaning they ensure employees do their jobs. Great managers, however, take a genuine interest in helping their team members learn and grow. They make the time to provide coaching to help employees thrive. Good managers keep business moving along, but great managers accelerate business through coaching.

9. Helping Others Win

A great manager goes above and beyond to invests in others, whether they are team members, peers or stakeholders. The meta goal of great managers is not just to succeed themselves, but to help others win, too. To do this, they listen authentically, activate empathy, have a service mindset and help others without the expectation of reward or appreciation.

10. Caring To Share

Great managers care enough to speak up. They have difficult conversations when necessary with their teams or employees. They deal with performance issues in a timely manner so that performance is addressed and team morale does not suffer. They also provide developmental feedback so staff can learn and grow. Instead of letting things go, these managers lean in to develop their staff.

11. Seeing And Building Value

Great managers are able to recognize and create value both in people and in opportunities. They actively work to build their people up and they take full advantage of opportunities. These managers protect what is important in their organizations. They feel a sense of stewardship for what they were asked to manage and work to grow its value.

12. Practicing Self-Reflection

Great leaders reflect on their behavior. They do not just go about their business tasks, but see themselves as human beings with feelings and thoughts. They connect to their whole being by asking questions like, "How am I doing right now? What am I feeling? Am I angry? Am I scared?" to understand why they are acting in a certain way. They are also committed to values that guide them in their leadership and business roles.

13. Asking Questions Rather Than Providing Answers

Managers are often excited to share their expertise and knowledge with their team, so they quickly move into fix-it mode when a problem arises. Effective managers have learned that their role is to help their team members solve problems and engage in critical thinking. That only happens when the manager asks open-ended questions and remains curious about the outcome.

14. Focusing On ’Why’ Explicitly

Focusing on the big picture and the reasons behind your team’s focus on success is a key distinguisher of a great manager. Making the "why" part of the regular organizational drumbeat can provide the drive and determination a team needs to be highly effective. The key ingredient between good and great managers and teams is the desire to take time to make the organizational "why" explicit on a consistent basis.