Way to go Erdogan!

In times when the Muslims around the world - especially in Palestine - is being oppressed and opposed in many ways, a Muslim leader (finally) showed a respectable courage; he stood firm as a leader, making sure his disgust and disagreement over the actions of the Zionists is clear! He is the Prime Minister of Turkey, Reccep Tayyip Erdogan. He show his firmness by condemning Israeli premier Shimon Peres right in front of him, during a World Economic Forum in Davos. Watch the clips below. The first is the incident where Mr. Erdogan condemned Peres, and then stormed off the stage to show his disgust over the injustice done by the moderator of the forum for Mr. Peres was given 25 minutes to talk (condemn Palestine, justified Israel's actions), compared to the 12 minutes that was given to Mr. Erdogan. The second clip is his explanation over his action. So, for those world leaders who are just too coward to stand up in front of the world against Israel - take a look at Erdogan! My respect for you, Mr. Erdogan!

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8:53 pm ×

sokong! sokong!

Azizi Subeli
12:10 pm ×

Saya mushkil dengan Erdogan sebab semasa Amerika nak menggulingkan Kerajaan Iraq, beliau adalah antara orang yang membenarkan Amerika menggunakan lapangan terbang dan laluan udara bagi tujuan serangan tersebut..Semasa Saddam Hussein masih berkuasa, beliaulah antara orang yang berani menentang segala tindakan terkutuk Israel ke atas rakyat Palestin..tapi adalah lebih baik bersangka baik dari bersangka buruk..
