31 MARCH 2008


The production of a short video clip entitled ‘Fitna’ by a Dutch politician, Geert Wilders, which is insulting Islam and degrading The Qur’an has sparked worldwide outrage among Muslims. The Dutch politician should have known better than to repeat the mistake made by a Dutch newspaper a few years back when they published caricatures of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. which had then released worldwide tension between the Muslim and non-Muslim communities especially in the Western countries.

The 15-minutes video clip is clearly an appalling attempt to insult the religion of Islam, to insult the Prophet Muhammd s.a.w. and dishonor The Holy Book for Muslims, The Qur’an. The video clip showed a few short excerpts from The Holy Qur’an which they associate with terrorism. This has set off worldwide anger among Muslims as the video clip exploited several verses from The Holy Qur’an to accuse Islam as a religion that promotes violence whereas the fact is that Islam underlines love, care and peace as basic values.

The National Union of Malaysian Muslims Students (PKPIM) stands for the Muslim students from all over the country, speaks out our feeling of disgust and resentment towards the production of the provocative anti-Islam video clip. PKPIM urges the government, the non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and the whole community to take a firm stand and voice out objections towards the video clip. PKPIM is also urging the authorities to take firm actions againts the video clip, such as by sending an official protest to the Dutch government. Firm action has to be taken for the production of such video clip is highly seditious and would only serve to worsen the relationship between Islam and the Western world.

At the same time, PKPIM calls for all Muslims to react maturely and not to take rash actions in handling this issue. Muslims must not be induced by the extreme provocation in the video clip. On the other hand, Muslims should try to heed the advice of the prominent Muslim scholar, Prof. Dr. Yusuf Abdullah Al-Qaradhawi. In giving his response towards the ‘Fitna’ video clip, Al-Qaradhawi outlined five ways for Muslims to stand up to Islam offenders.

1. Muslims need to produce scholarly refutations to claims that Prophet Muhammad incited the killing of men and women. This should be done in several languages to reach all those who do not know the truth about the prophet of mercy.

2. Political responses are required. Heavyweight Muslim countries should have a manly stance in defense of Islam and its prophet. Muslims need to pressure their governments to take such a stand and prove to the world that the Muslim Ummah is still alive.

3. There is a need for artistic and media responses. Movies and TV shows play an important role in clarifying the true image of a much-stereotyped Islam.

4. The Muslims should also boycott the products of countries that allow its citizens to bash Islam and promote hatred towards Islam.

5. Muslims should also learn more about Islam. Al-Qaradhawi regretted that many Muslims project a distorted image of their religion though their wrong understand of the Qur'an. Muslims should better understand the Islam's message of peace, mercy and human brotherhood.

PKPIM has high hopes that Malaysia, being the model Islamic country in the world, would play an important role in protecting the sacredness and dignity of Islam with maturity and wisdom. PKPIM also hopes that no other party would try to insult the divine religion of Islam, for that would only spark anger and hatred, and would deteriorate the relationship between communities of different religions.

Secretary General,
National Union of Malaysian Muslim Students (PKPIM).

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ummi qarnain
4:20 pm ×

As a concerned muslim,everybody should lend their shoulder,hand and senses to prove that Islam is not a toy stuff that can be easily juggled by the naive enemies.Every one ought to take part!We must react...firm act should be done in many and any dignity ways...Silences,passiveness and fearfulness should be omitted from everyone's mind n spirit!!!ALLAHUAKBAR!!!ISLAM IS GREAT!INNASYA NIAKA HUWAL ABTAR!!!

6:22 pm ×

Salaam, just my thoughts: why should we ban Dutch products just because of some irresponsible maniac from Netherlands made that film? isnt it enough that we just ban the film itself? wouldnt we affect the 1 million Muslim (source: wikipedia) population there by doing so? how about the cans and bottles of beer and cigarettes being sold at our local stores? why arent we putting a ban on the clear Haraam items?

4:18 pm ×

Saalam...this is only a view of an imperfect person.For me, banning dutch product is not a sin.I want to sress out here,why should muslims there should depend on dutch product?So,positively,muslim should rely on themselves,helping the other muslim to join manufacturing,bussiness and any profitable activities...for the mislim's sake.In this case, the maniac bussiness will affected,they can feel the right of muslim people,their enthuasiasm,united spirit that muslim people are not such moron statue...How long you can stand to see that dutch people gaining profit from the destructed ummah and our hardship?Do you want to see they laugh,giggle n smile broadly after the muslim's silences?Furthermore,the haaram stuff was already known by the muslims as banned product,should be done!No doubt and we acknowledge it.It's the implementation faults!!The banning is just alike phsycological reaction...that's what my intuition told me...
