Asy-Syeikh Al-Habib ‘Umar delivers Khutbah

Last Friday, I had the opportunity to attend Friday prayers at IIUM’s Sultan Ahmad Shah Mosque. It was one of the Fridays when I just have to go to IIUM, for at that time it was a very special occasion as the khutbah was delivered by Asy-Syeikh Al-Habib ‘Umar Bin Hafiz. Who is Asy-Syeikh Al-Habib ‘Umar?

He is al-Habib ‘Umar the son of Muhammad the son of Salim the son of Hafiz the son of Abd-Allah the son of Abi Bakr the son of ‘Aidarous the son of al-Hussain the son of al-Shaikh Abi Bakr the son of Salim the son of ‘Abd-Allah the son of ‘Abd-al-Rahman the son of ‘Abd-Allah the son of al-Shaikh ‘Abd-al-Rahman al-Saqqaf the son of Muhammad Maula al-Daweela the son of ‘Ali the son of ‘Alawi the son of al-Faqih al-Muqaddam Muhammad the son of ‘Ali the son of Muhammad Sahib al-Mirbat the son of ‘Ali Khali‘ Qasam the son of ‘Alawi the son of Muhammad the son of ‘Alawi the son of ‘Ubaidallah the son of al-Imam al-Muhajir to Allah Ahmad the son of ‘Isa the son of Muhammad the son of ‘Ali al-‘Uraidi the son of Ja'far al-Sadiq the son of Muhammad al-Baqir the son of ‘Ali Zain al-‘Abidin the son of Hussain the grandson, the son of both ‘Ali the son of Abu Talib and of Fatimah al-Zahra the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.).

Truly a decendant of the honourable Prophet Muhammad, Asy-Syeikh Al-Habib ‘Umar is well-known ulama’ in the Islamic world. The opportunity to watch and hear him speak live is an opportunity not to be missed for anything.

In his khutbah, Asy-Syeikh spoke about ikhlas and taqwa. It was perhaps some of the very fundamental and basic subjects in Islam, but there is a vast difference when it is delivered by an exalted scholar. Asy-Syeikh stressed that ikhlas is a very important element in our daily life. Asy-Syeikh mentioned that there are many benefits of ikhlas. Among others, a person who is ikhlas in everything that he or she does will be elevated to a high class in the sight of Allah. A person who truly understands the purpose of life and knows Allah, will know that being elevated to a high class in the sight of Allah is bigger than any position in this world. Also, if someone does his or her acts with ikhlas, that act will turn into ‘ibadah, and therefore will be rewarded duly by Allah.

On the other hand, Asy-Syeikh also gave a reminder on what lies ahead of people who does acts without ikhlas. Asy-Syeikh said that acts being done without ikhlas will only be a waste of time. Apart from that, we will be punished by Allah if we do things without ikhlas. Asy-Syeikh related a hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) which mentions the three type of people who with which the hell will be fuelled. The three type of people are the scholar, the rich, and the martyr. Although these three people led a dignified life in the world, they are being punished in hell for their acts are not done with ikhlas. The scholar learns and teaches not for Allah, but to show other that he is above them all and more knowledgable than anyone else. The rich donates and gives charity not for the sake of Allah, but to show others that he is a very good man and better than everyone. The martyr does not die for the sake of Allah, but dies with the intention so that everyone will speak about his name and be remembered always.

Therefore, we must train ourselves to perform our duties and actions with ikhlas. When we have ikhlas, we will be able to appreciate the greatness of Allah, for we will know that all our acts and duties that we are able to perfom are all because of Allah. Ikhlas also drives away arrogance, for when we understand that what we do are all because of Allah, it does not matter how people look at us anymore. Asy-Syeikh also said that to obtain ikhlas in our actions, we must learn to appreciate the greatness of Allah. We must understand that all our abilities, with which we are able to perform our duties, are all gifts from Allah. We should also be able to understand that while there are many things in this life that we are unable to do and that are very hard for us to perform, it is a simple matter of ‘kun-fayakun’ for Allah. The Asy-Syeikh also reminded us to always pray to Allah to accept our deeds; for a person who is ikhlas will always pray to Allah in hope that his or her deeds be accepted.

Those words of Asy-Syeikh Al-Habib ‘Umar still leaves a mark in my heart until today. Sadly, I didn’t get the chance to get closer to Asy-Syeikh. May Allah bless him always, and reward him with what is best.

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9:57 am ×

BismiLlah wal HamduliLlah.
As-Salamu`alaikum wa RahmatuLlah.

Syukran jazilan diatas perkongsian ini.
BarakALLAHu fikum.

6:54 pm ×

BismiLlah wal HamduliLlah.
As-Salamu`alaikum wa RahmatuLlah.

Harap maklum,
Untuk mendengar tausyiyah
Al-Habib Umar ibn Hafiz
di Masjid al-Istighfar, Singapura (08/02/08)
"Kecemerlangan Ummah Melalui Apa?"
yang diterjemahkan oleh al-Habib
Sholeh ibn Muhammad al-Jufri, HafizakumuLlah,
copy-paste URL dibawah ini -


JazakumuLlahu khairan.
ALLAHu a`lam bisawab.
